
Welcome to my blog. I document my obsession in fashion. Hope you enjoy!



Anyone who knows me, knows that silver is one of my many loves, and it’s up there.  The clue after all is in the name!  I have five silver bracelets which I wear every day without fail.  The girls always say that they know when I’m nearby as I jingle, or rather the bracelets do, so I can’t creep up on them without remembering to hold them as I walk, or creep as the case may be.  There’s some lovely silver pieces which I’m lucky enough to own that should definitely be fished out of their boxes and worn more often.  So when Nusa contacted me and asked if I’d like to collaborate with them, guess what, I jumped at the chance.  Of course I did!

Now let me tell you about out Nusa.

Nusa hand-picks the finest Balinese silver jewellery handcrafted in the traditional manner.  They  work closely with artisans and foster the growth of local economies, allowing young men and women to stay in their villages and family compounds without having to seek employment in the tourist industry.  Nusa not only encourages communities to remain tight-knit but allows the traditional art of silversmithing to be passed on down through the generations, ensuring this art never dies out.  This is not only great for their Community but it’s also great for sustainability as well.

They have lots of lovely things on their website; including necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pendents and so on..  Here are a few of my favourites.  And to sweeten your visit, if anything there takes your fancy I have a 20% discount code for you :) - KAT20.  Find them at www.nusa.studio


Thanks for reading :)

Kat. X

The Trouser Suit

The Trouser Suit

Don’t Bother, Valentine.

Don’t Bother, Valentine.